Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

The Journey of Pink Salmon

Pink salmon is a kind of a fish that has light pink color at the right. Light salmon pink is a light pink color that resembles the color salmon. The name is derived from the flesh color of the pink salmon. The nutrient that imparts the pink flesh color is asthaxtantine, that salmon ingest when they feed on other marine organisms, such as krill and small shrimps.
At the moment, sally was one of pink salmon wanted to begin her fantastic adventure to the ocean. She was a year of age. She didin’t go there lonely, Titi and Nina would accompany her in getting journey to the wide ocean. “What will we look at at the ocean?” Titi said. “ Mrs.Moli said that it is wide and deep.” Nina answered. Sally followed the conversation by adding her friends saying “it’s also containing of salt, so the taste is salty.”
Titi was confuse after hearing the ocean’s describing from Sally, because they never live at the salty water like at the ocean. Sally explained to Titi about their body condition. She said that their body will change naturaly up to they able live at briny water. Sally felt happy to hear that. They got home and separated for having preparation for their journey tomorrow. They couldn’t be patient to see and live in the fantastic ocean.
On the next day, they had prepare theirselves for getting journey. Firstly, they got gathering before beginning their adventure. They began their journey verily. In the tapping, they felt tired and decided to take a rest for minutes. Verily, they hadn’t know about the challenge which will they face. They swam slowly. Day after days, they finally reached the garage. Unexpressly, they had come in the barrage which was being made by the beavers. They were in confusion, they didn’t know what must they do. Aftir thinking far, Sally said to her friends about the planning that she had. She planned for making a trick for escaping their selves from the beavers. He wanna sacrifise herself for becoming , but titi didn’t agree with Sally’s planning. She wanted to become what sally will do in her planning. Because she realized that she will never able to get pregnant as Mrs. Miko saying. Nina also wanted to becoe object in their mission.
Finally, after standing on the confusion Sally the bravest one among the salmons, Sally the bravest one among the others pin salmons decided for jumping on the river to take the attention of the beavers. The planning was quite danger, so Sally made sure her two friends for jumping, but Titi didin’t want, because she got fear. By forcing, Nina pull Titi up to jump. Nini and Titi could be safe, but Sally still in dangerous, because the guard beaver still ran her. But, Titi fell on te barrage. Unfortunately, the beavers saw the attending of Titi. Immediately, Titi felt fear. Sally had the tactic for escaping Titi, he held astone and throw it on the beavers. One of them was held by that stone, so the beavers’s attention changed again to Sally. Fortunately, Titi could to be free from the barrage. But, she still in doubt to leave Sally alone. Nina forced her and arose the faith that Sally will be safe. They continued their journey without Sally. Sally got efford very much to hide from the beaver. She came down the river and saw the little cave at an angle of river.there were many shrimps over there. After moments, she had a beaver swam around herself. She was so worry and decided to jump. She was hopeful to get the way. Unbelievable, the beaver gave in touch Sally, and introduced himself. His name was Birang, he looked kind.he told to Sally about King Firaun that has made the barrage and caused the fishes couldn’t to through the river. The others beavers also were trying to forbid him, but they hadn’t found the best way.
Finally, Birang took Sally to the secret way related to the ocean. Therefore, Sally could come to the ocean early. Titi and Nina were seen by Sally on her far view. they across the ocean safely.

Rajungan Naik Kelas

Mungkin beberapa diantara kalian sudah ada yang mengetahui apa itu kepiting rajungan, bahkan mungkin sudah ada yang pernah mencicipi kelembutan dagingnya. Rajungan(portunus pelagieus) merupakan jenis hewan berkulit keras (crustacean).

Pada zaman dahululu, para nelayan hanya menganggap rajungan sebagai sekelompok hama laut yang terkadang merusak jaring nelayan. Oleh karena itu, harganya pun cukup relative murah yaitu berkisar antara Rp.1000-Rp.3000/kg(koranjakarta.com) serta keberadaanya pun terbatas atau hanya pada lokasi-lokasi tertentu saja. Namun pada awal tahun 1993, salah satu perusahan perikanan yang ada di jawa Tengah mulai mencoba untuk mengekspor rajungan ke Negara-negara barat khususnya ke AS dan harganya pun naik hingga berkali-kali lipat yaitu berkisar antara Rp.20000-Rp.25000/Kg. Ternyata hal itu mampu menghasilkan keuntungan yang cukup lumayan bagi pihak-pihak yang terkait. Menurut Wakil Kepala Diperindag Jateng, Drs. Matliskan, di Semarang, Senin, mengatakan, nilai ekspor daging rajungan Jateng tahun ini hingga Mei 2002 mencapai 10,6 juta dolar AS dari volume penjualan 755,17 ton.

Bicara soal gizi yang terkandung di dalam daging rajungan yang berwarna putih bersih itu, tidak disangka bahwa ia memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Fisheries Research and Development Corporation di Australia, 100 gram daging rajungan mengandung 137 miligram Omega-3 (EPA), 90 miligram Omega-3 (DHA), dan 86 miligram Omega-6 (AA). Daging rajungan juga merupakan sumber niacin, folate, pottasium, vitamin B12, protein, phosphorous, zinc, copper, dan selenium. Zat-zat tersebut berguna untuk berfungsi sebagai sumber protein bagi tubuh, karena daging mereka memiliki kandungn protein yang paling potensial dibandingkan dengan hewan-hewan lainnya seperi daging ayam, daging sapi, serta daging telur per 100 g(20,6 g; 18,2 g; dan 11,8g) maupun dengan saudara seperanakannya sendiri yaitu kepiting yang hanya emiliki kandungan gizi 16-17g. Mereka juga mengandung lemak yang sangat rendah, sehingga sangat cocok bagi mereka yang ingin menghindari ataupun yang sudah terkena penyait kolestrol.

Cara Mengolah
Mengolah rajungan adalah memisahkan seluruh bagian daging rajungan dari cangkangnya. Dimulai dengan menyeleksi bahan baku rajungan (raw meterial) yang akan diolah yaitu dengan memisahkan rajungan yang baik dan tidak baik. Rajungan yang baik dicirikan dengan ukuran 6-7 cm diukur dari lebar cangkang, tidak mengalami pergantian cangkang (cangkang lunak) dan rajungan masih dalam keadaan hidup. Kalaupun dalam keadaan mati, sendi capitnya masih kaku dan mulutnya masih mengeluarkan busa.
Setelah dilakukan pemisahan bahan baku, selanjutnya dicuci dengan menggunakan air tawar kemudian dikukus dengan menggunakan dandang khusus. Pengukusan dilakukan dengan cara mendidihkan air setinggi 6 cm dari dasar dandang, setelah air mendidih tutup dandang dibuka untuk mengurangi uap air, kemudian rajungan dimasukkan ke dalamnya dan dandang ditutup. Lama pengukusan untuk rajungan seberat 25-35 kg adalah ± 30 menit dan lama pengukusan kurang lebih 15-25 menit untuk rajungan seberat 15-25 kg. Setelah rajungan matang dilakukan pendinginan dengan menggunakan kipas selama 1-2 jam. Setelah dingin, rajungan matang (rawcook) siap untuk dikupas (picking).
Pengupasan (picking) dilakukan dengan cara memisahkan capit dan kaki renang kemudian buka cangkang atas rajungan dan bersihkan lemak serta telur yang mungkin ada. Belah rajungan yang sudah dibersihkan secara membujur menjadi dua bagian. Kupas bagian jumbo yang merupakan pangkal dari capit secara hati-hati agar tidak pecah. Kupas pangkal kaki renang secara hati-hati untuk memperoleh daging backfin.
Serpihan daging yang lebih kecil menjadi daging spesial. Untuk bagian capit bagian atas, shell bagian dalam dibiarkan utuh dan jumbainya dibuang dan kaki renang dikupas tersendiri dan menjadi daging leg meat. Masing-masing jenis daging ditempatkan di dalam toples/plastik setelah sebelumnya dilakukan penyortiran terhadap shell serta mutu daging yang kurang baik. Toples dan plastik yang berisi daging diberi label sesuai dengan nama jenis daging, tanggal produksi dan jenis daging kemudian ditempatkan ke dalam styrofoam atau blung yang berisi hancuran es untuk selanjutnya dikirim ke pabrik pengalengan rajungan.

Rajungan Naik Kelas

The Next Cantilever of Indonesia

In this modern era, our presence as the young men and women is very needed in developing modernization of this world. They must act out in every terms and conditions, particularly in seeking the knowledges. With our hands, we are able to do everything. Our hard struggle fires their muscles to endeavour more and more, it’s proved by many creative things and goods which were created by us. Absolutely extraordinarry, but it really has.
“ No sweet without sweat” is a wiseword that’s very suitable for becoming our principe in doing efforts meaningfully. Study hard and smartly is the first step of thousands step to the top that everyone on the earth should do and the youth especially.
In this country, we always see through the local or national mass media about the youth who could become sit in the public representative assembly of Indonesia or leader condidate of several district even province in this nation. They could get victory from their rivals eventough they were from old generation that had been well-known with their political ability. Besides political, their skills were also shown in many area such as : technology, education, technic, culture, etc.
Indonesia is a multicultural country with all its own cultures and traditions need to have the professional human source for managing them, becouse without any good managerial it will be nothing. That is our opportuniy to become the hero and make it up. So, by our work they will be seen like shining pearl.
According to the poll that was conducted daily by KOMPAS since 21st till 23rd of October involving 850 young people by the age 16-30 years old in indonesia disclose our opinion that the youth of indonesia spesifically focus on politic, goal, and their proximity to the progress of technology and telecomunication. The data inspired us to get our gold purposes on the road to golden generation and to be sure that we have wonderful competences based on our interest and talent above.
In this century, the intellegence of a person must be balanced by the faith or we can say emotional quotion. In this case, the role of the educationalists as the main source of the sciences very determine someone’s porsonality. Besides that, the part of family and public environment as the prime place of one’s personility formation must be the good facilitator and motovator in this process.
Without fine quality of faith, the human being will be contaminated with disintegration and mental demage can be spread to all levels of society. Because the intellegeny alone is like a blind eye which can’t see anything between right and wrong. But keep in mind, the faith without the intellegency also doesn’t provide any effects in progressing their mental to be the best in the human race.
The balance between the two components is the great power of the youth to live and fight against the life in this 21st century and also will be their beginning capital to reach golden generation. Undoubtfully the share of education of two components is the spices in establishment processing of the youth either on porsonality concept or ability one.

We are as the young generation need to stand in the top and show our high quality to all over the world. Although the situation is globalizing us, we’ve to trust that we can be the next cantilever of the beloved country by upholding our pure eastern culture. However, we also should learn more from the olders, can’t be denied their capabilities have been honed more than us.